Our first tour of the year was a great success, and I have been contacted by many that were sorry to have missed it- so another garden tour & sale is scheduled for this coming Saturday, 4/28/12 from 9am to 2pm.
I plan on having some NEW tropical plants available at this tour that were not there last time.
Browse through the garden at your leisure, or follow along as a tour is given, discussing the plants and their care.
Of equal interest is the pool enclosure garden, which houses plants such as blooming Heliconia, Blue Ice Calathea, Anthurium, Costus Barbatus and Xanthosoma. Come see what does well under a screen enclosure and get some ideas for your own.
At the same time we will also be holding a casual plant sale- we have lots of Heliconia sprouting up now, and we also plan on having some beautiful full-sun bromeliads for sale.
I have alot of fully rooted (and currently blooming) Plumeria for sale. Some are 3-4 feet tall. Varieties include the very easy to grow/cold hardy very fragrant Aztec Gold, as well as the always awesome “Duke”
ALL PLANTS WILL BE 10% OFF MARKED PRICE ! (10% off usual plant sale prices)
Live plants will include:
Heliconia Stricta “Iris Banochie”
Heliconia Stricta “Firebird”
Heliconia Latispatha “Distans”
Heliconia Rostrata
Costus Barbatus (Red Tower Ginger)
Alocasia “Borneo Giant”
Alocasia “Calidora” (huge leaves)
Alocasia “Portdora” (huge leaves)
Black Alocasia “Nigra”
Philodendron Speciousum
Philodendron Gloriosum
Variegated Crinum Lily (Crinum Asiaticum) (white stripes on leaves & white flowers)
Purple “Queen Emma” Crinum Lily (Dark Purple leaves with purple flowers)
Sun Bromeliads such as Aechmeas and Neoregalias
Potted, Rooted and Blooming Plumeria
and some more NEW stuff (will post the names this week)
The garden is located in South Melbourne Beach, not far from Sebastian Inlet and Long Point Cafe- so you can make a surf & turf beach day out of it
Hope to see you there on Saturday!
Have any questions, or inquiries? Contact me directly at:
or call 321-960-8928
Here are some photos of new plants that will be available at the open garden + sale:
(taken 4/25)
Heliconia Tagami

Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant)

Alocasia Calidora (gets HUGE)

New Hybrid Alocasia – Also gets BIG and has purple underside of leaves

Red Tower Ginger (costus barbatus) at blooming height

Red Anthurium with Red Emergent Leaves

Alocasia “Stingray”

I’m located not far from Sebastian Inlet, so you can make a beach day of it.. Long Point Cafe, located about 8 minutes to the south, is a great place for lunch or brekafast.